What did we get at the US Climate Leaders Summit?
We’ve had a big step forward to give thanks for, and we need to pray for many more. I guess that’s the verdict on the climate summit President Biden hosted on 22-23 April.
What did we get at the US Climate Leaders Summit?
We’ve had a big step forward to give thanks for, and we need to pray for many more. I guess that’s the verdict on the climate summit President Biden hosted on 22-23 April.
It was an online summit of 40 government leaders, most from big polluting countries, plus some smaller emitters already hit hard by climate change, together with Antonio Guterres, the Pope, Bill Gates, etc. Just the fact of it is encouraging, the US back on board on climate - things have changed. It’s also good news to have China and the US, the climate co-operating again, even if the partnership isn’t yet easy.
Here are the main announcements:
What does it mean for us?
This all takes 12% off the big gap between what we look likely to be emitting in 2030, and the most we can emit to have a good chance of limiting warming to the safer level of 1.5 degrees. Have a look at Climate Action Tracker's graphic here for more info.
This isn’t a game. We need a lot less greenhouse gas and a lot more money, millions of human lives and much of the rest of creation are at stake, and we need much faster progress than this. But in a way it is a game too, as governments have diplomatic conversations, make new announcements, see how others respond, and decide how much further to go, so we’ve just had a good move in the climate diplomacy game, and we’ve got momentum for more on the road to COP in November.
Of course big targets won’t change anything by themselves, but countries are far more likely to make rapid changes to halve global emissions by 2030 if they’ve got a big target saying they will - and if we constantly remind them about it. We will.
If you want to know more, E3G’s blog was good and Climate Action Tracker have great number crunching.